Wednesday 1 September 2010

Minister before the poor little light wine, Saint Teacher Interview away empty-handed.

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she was not drunk Yeah! drink that many cups, not drunk, do not go, really annoying, there are a lot of Friends of Bo waiting too? she really could be massive, well talented, yet another song about poetry, the people resented stomp fauna, little sister, please do spare me! So there poem Kazakhstan. She would also like me for her writing, you say this person is not the training, so the poem is also some moderate advised her not to come to food and wine do not take Ha, Ha ha! her article, wonderfully, creativeness extraordinary! also not willing to Kazakhstan, Wang forgive me! may also be drinking too much, drink more, top-heavy bar.
flying dream (Fu)
a wine and food are singing today, virtual tour worthwhile trip.
thank the Minister for the warm, tomorrow at to visit you.
individual ministers (and)
bottomless greed crazy She Tunxiang, fortune or misfortune difficult to understand mantis catching cicadas.
flying dream Dianzhao wine, drink holy minister of God wake up then.
view article in yesterday to pick her up, I do my blog on the Food of Love? her trouble came, see earlier boiled maple wood knife at home reading poetry appreciation mm felt Bianzhi Ha! I will have a message for all to Bo Bo Friends Write an online and paper thin, casually to Kazakhstan, in alphabetical order. hope you forgive me! who can not wait hope to tell, the text is not good, the thought that counts! I Bo tired off half Rights. lie ha ha ha ha ... .. Tage hibernation Ha! interested friends do not waste their youth, you will continue to trouble Yeah! fun fun him? when I come back to play free Ha! goodbye. Flying Dream (Fu)
I'm late!!
Handonglayue Xiangyang Jiao, Bowen stir compete Chunchao.
Sohu blog to see the present Government, Online Food of Love is wonderful.
individual ministers (and)
talented woman is really busy, no letters Bo Lang emergency door.
dreamed of flying dream sister, eyes hi see Valentine.
Haha, not least in vain!
glance off to the world even after the laughter the world for three poems
glance off (Fu)

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